Complications of Keratoconus
Keratoconus is a progressive disease of refraction due to the degeneration of collagen tissue in the cornea causing it to lose stability and bulge outward resembling a cone. Complications can occur due to the progressive destruction of the cornea or due to the prolonged use of contact lenses. Acute Corneal Hydrops Acute Corneal Hydrops is a condition where patients suffer a sudden loss of vision with associated pain and discomfort in the eye due to the leakage of fluid into the cornea across the weaken areas This can occur in one eye or both eyes. This does not cause a permanent loss of vision of the eyes but specialist medical attention must be sought to rule out any other sinister causes. Treatment for this sudden loss of vision is normally palliative since this resolves generally on its own and in some cases have shown to very rarely cause the flattening of the cornea to resemble somewhat its original shape. Here scarring of the cornea ...